generally defined as 意味

  • 《be ~》通常{つうじょう}[一般的{いっぱん てき}には]~と定義{ていぎ}される、~という定義{ていぎ}が一般的{いっぱん てき}である
    A spam mail is generally defined as an unsolicited mailing. スパムメールとは望みもしないのに送られてくるメールという定義が一般的である/スパムメールとは通常[一般的には]、望まないのに送られてくるメールと定義される。


  1. the term ' ordinary public bathhouse ' is generally defined as a ' public bathhouse established for the basic necessities for health in daily life ,' and ' ordinary public bathhouses ' are generally called ' sento .'
  2. a central zaibatsu is generally defined as a zaibatsu whose headquarters are located in tokyo , yokohama , osaka or kobe , while local zaibatsu are the other zaibatsu; however , there are some zaibatsu whose size and range of activities are as great as those of the central zaibatsu - such as tatsuuma zaibatsu - and thus central zaibatsu can also be defined as a zaibatsu that has developed nationwide corporate activities; contrastingly , a zaibatsu that has developed activities limited to a specific area can be defined as a local zaibatsu .


        generally:    generally 一体に いったいに 大抵 たいてい 概して がいして 普 ふ 普通 ふつう 一体 いったい 全体に ぜんたいに 総別 そうべつ 全般的に ぜんぱんてきに 大半 たいはん 大掴み おおづかみ 普く あまねく
        as defined in:    ~に定義{ていぎ}されたとおりに
        defined:    defined 一定 いってい いちじょう
        defined by:    《be ~》~によって定義[規定]される、~が特徴である Isn't the ethics defined by what you're accomplishing? Some heroes are defined by a single achievement.
        as is generally known:    周知のように
        as it is generally known:    一般に知られているように
        generally accepted:    {形} :
        generally acknowledged as:    《be ~》~として広く認められている
        generally agree:    大体同意{だいたい どうい}する
        generally allowed to:    《be ~》~するのは一般的{いっぱん てき}に良しとされる
        generally available:    一般{いっぱん}に利用{りよう}できる
        generally benign:    {形} :
        generally called:    《be ~》一般{いっぱん}に~と呼ばれる
        generally considered:    一般的{いっぱんてき}に考えると
        generally decentralized:    《be ~》徐々{じょじょ}に分散化{ぶんさん か}する


  1. "generally called" 意味
  2. "generally considered" 意味
  3. "generally considered a success" 意味
  4. "generally continue to be flat" 意味
  5. "generally decentralized" 意味
  6. "generally disbelieved" 意味
  7. "generally dismissed" 意味
  8. "generally employed" 意味
  9. "generally fair" 意味
  10. "generally continue to be flat" 意味
  11. "generally decentralized" 意味
  12. "generally disbelieved" 意味
  13. "generally dismissed" 意味

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